Lactation Consultations at NO cost to you!
Latched On Brevard has partnered with Lactation Network!
This means that Latched On Brevard provides the Lactation Consultant and Lactation Network handles the paperwork and bills your insurance directly.
Lactation Network guarantees 3 covered visits at NO COST to you.
Step 1. Complete the form online click here go.lactationnetwork.com/LatchedonBrevard
Step 2. Email me at LatchedonBrevard@gmail.com once the form is completed.
Step 3. I will be notified immediately from your email and can set up a time for your appointment.
Is My Insurance Plan Covered by Lactation Network?
Lactation Network covers most PPO plans
Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO
Cigna PPO
United PPO
We believe every mom who wants to breastfeed should have access to the best insurance-covered breastfeeding resources, and that lactation services should be the standard of care around the world. That means having an IBCLC work with you and your baby to achieve your feeding goals." - The Lactation Network